

Hashtag No Filter

Pretending things don’t exist usually isn’t a particularly beneficial way of dealing with them. I’ve been writing this blog for a while. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not great at getting things done if I don’t see them as immediately necessary. In college I would have a month to …

Corpus Callosum

It’s funny how much easier it is to join up the dots afterwards. Analysing events, drawing conclusions… and then realising you’ve been taught those exact lessons more than once before. I guess it’s a weakness for most of us; needing evidence to truly believe in the path we’re taking, needing …

You Do You

It’s always easier to theorise about things than to actually recognise them when they’re happening. Telling yourself that if x happens then I’ll do y. Telling yourself that no matter what you’ll be rational. Telling yourself you won’t care what people think. Telling yourself you won’t get sucked into pettiness. …

Access to Better

People always want to know about the difference between amateur golf and professional golf. Why do some make the step up and some don’t? Why do some of the best amateurs in the world fall off the radar? Why do players you’ve never heard of keep their card year after …

365 Days, 360 Degrees

Every time I’ve gone to write or add to this blog post, I seem to have a slightly different perspective on what I’m trying to say… and maybe that in itself is the thread that’s woven its way through 2017. It started on my flight home from Dubai (anyone reading …

Depth Perception

“Living in a comfort zone, and blaming everything outside that comfort zone for why you’re still there… the world doesn’t owe you anything”